Happy Valentine's Day, my little lovebunnies!
(I'm still here. Just spending every free hour with my one true love - reading - and haven't gotten as far as sharing my thoughts. I promise that I'll put down the book and put together a post very soon.)
I just got a return visit from my cornflakes- thanks for the pic and the sugar-encrusted missive.
Izzat Pastel City I hear calling?
Oh! 'Pastel City'! WHAT a book!
For those that may miss me, I'll be on vacation next week. I'm going to Maine where I'll be lucky to have indoor plumbing much less an internet connection. I'm bringing plenty of books to read so there should be lots to talk about when I get back. Ta-ta.
Oh, and Elmo, when you look up "lovebunny" in my dictionary, guess who's picture you see.
I... don't know what to say. I'll just dial 911 instead.
Get a room.
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